I've been wanting to start doing a podcast for a while now but for the life of me I haven't been able to come up with a concept for one so this is what I'm writing about today.
It's a podcast theme brainstorming session. Do you get the title now?
Yeah, still lame!
With any brainstorming there's bound to be crazy over the top and just plain supid ideas so here we go.
The Frogcast
During each episode we discuss frogs. The different kinds, their behavior, habitats, etc. There's over 5,000 separate species so there wouldn't be a lack of material.
Dave's Family
It's the world's only podcast where you'll hear nothing but news about my family. What my sisters and brother are up to. Mom's latest recipe. Uncle Jim's favorite cat-hating joke and more!
Foods I Hate
This one is pretty self explanatory. There aren't a lot of different food I like. It's pretty much pizza, cheese burgers and pretzels for me. That means plenty of new foods to discuss that I don't like. Riveting huh?
Patent Pending Podcast
Another one that doesn't need much description. We basically take a look at a handful of patents that are pending during each show.
Who's Feces Is It Anyway
Um.....Maybe not.
So there you have it, the best podcast ideas I've come up with. If you can think of any better ones, please leave them in the comments section below and I'll make sure to credit you on each episode.
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