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Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Summer Scifi Guide

Now that the "regular" television season has come to a close, a small crop of "summer" shows are about to start airing.  Okay, I'll stop with the quotations.

I'm sorry to say, there isn't a whole lot out there! Mainly a bunch of reality-based programs.  Even less of a choice if you're a sci fi fan like me.  Stargate Universe is ending for now but that just makes way for the long-awaited return of Warehouse 13.  What else is out there you may ask.  Well, here's a "filtered" list of programs picked by me.  Woops, there I go again with the quotations!  Sorry about that.

By the way, we're just sticking with Sci Fi themed shows here.  Well, that, Last Comic standing and Ghost Hunters Academy, which in mind are the only watchable reality shows.  That is, until they bring back Rock Star (?), Who Wants To Be A Superhero, American Inventor or On The Lot.

Alright, no more rambling and on with the list.

Ghost Hunters Academy (June 2nd on Syfy)

This paranormal reality series makes it's return tonight!  In case you don't know the premise, TAPS members Steve Gonsalves and Dave Tango lead a group of prospective investigators on various ghost hunting cases.  And in this, the second season they're joined by TAPS founder Jason Hawes as the ultimate judge, voting a different contestant off the show every week.

Also premiering on July 14th is Ghost Hunters International

The Gates (June 20th on ABC)

Yuck!  I can't stand undead-based shows but like I said at the top, the pickings are pretty thin so any port in the storm right?

This show explores the supernatural elements that lurk behind the shadows of a gated communited aptly named "The Gates."  By the way, given ABC's history with Sci Fi over the last couple of years (Defying Gravity, Flashback, etc) I really don't blame them for going the easy, vampirish way out.

Warehouse 13 (July 6th on Syfy)

It'll be almost a full year since the show premiered and fans are more than ready for season 2!  This program, which has been Syfy's most successful series to date, follows U.S. Secret Service agents Myka and Peter Lattimer as they are reassigned to the government's secret Warehouse 13, which houses supernatural objects. They are tasked to retrieve missing objects and investigate reports of new ones.

Haven (July 9th on Syfy)

Based on Stephen King's novella The Colorado Kid, this series follows FBI agent Audrey Parker who arrives in the small town of Haven, Maine, to solve the murder of a local ex-con, only to discover that the place is a longtime refuge for people with supernatural powers, and holds a lot of secrets, including links to her own past.

So, that's it.  Quite the letdown aint it?

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