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Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Hunger Games Was Almost Too Good

The Hunger Games was good; almost too good.

Let me explain.

Lionsgate's film adaptation of the Suzanne Collins book was spot on!  The producers should be congratulated for matching the novel's tone so well.  Every characters was portrayed exactly how I imagined them from reading the story.  Everything was perfect, which is the one problem with this movie.

Don't get me wrong, I loved it!!  The acting, cinematography, writing and directing were all fantastic! It's just that, if you had read the book, there were really no surprises.  I usually complain that filmmakers take too much liberty when converting something from the written page to celluloid, but in the case of The Hunger Games they could have done a little more. 

To us the old "it's not you, it's me" cliché; maybe I'm the problem.  It is possible that I need to stop reading books that eventually get made into movies.  Case in point; the last film I saw was John Carter.  Hardly knew anything of the story and enjoyed it immensely!   

Or, I need a book and movie buffer zone.  I did just finish The Hunger Games a couple weeks ago, so a bigger grace period between novel-reading and movie-going possibly needs to be implemented.

One final possibility is that I should start watching more bad movies, which almost never happens with me.  That way, when a "better" film like The Hunger Games comes around it really stands out.

Again, to be clear, this movie is just about perfect, except for, it's maybe too perfect? 

By the way, I really hope Jennifer Lawrence gets nominated for a ton of awards for playing such a strong female role in Katniss Everdeen.  And that Hollywood finally wakes up and realizes that moviegoers like to see heroic female characters such as this.

So, in conclusion; go see The Hunger Games!  It's exactly the movie you were expecting, if you've read the novel.  For those who haven't, you may like it even more.

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